We are a diverse team of all ages: from young people volunteering for the first time, to retirees bringing their experience to support our shop customers. 

We are a largely volunteer run organisation. We depend on dedicated collectors and hub teams, as well as the professional skills and advice of board members. 

Board Members  

Rebecca Taylor has been in charge of financial management since the CIC’s formation in 2016 and runs an accountancy practice supporting small businesses.

Sophia Sanger has many years experience on charitable boards and not for profit projects.

Councillor Koulla Jolley represents the Headlands ward of West Northants Council and is involved in many local organisations, helping us enormously with our local engagement.

Phil Beale is a senior banker and works in risk management, bringing a wealth of experience in business as we meet the challenges the current climate creates.



Mary Goodman has a distinguished career in social work and is lead safeguarder for us.

Dom O’Reilly is an experienced business person and assists us on compliance.

Michelle Smith is a former Chair of Northampton Relate and one of our collectors.


Collections: Helen Eales, a volunteer and human dynamo who manages collectors

Community Support volunteer for emergency parcels: Rebecca Chiverton  

Foodkind Hub is run by Tracy, with the Shop Zero community shop run by Tracy and Becky for its openings. 

Marketing and publicity assistant Joe Chiverton


We would not be able to run without the dedication of collectors, project volunteers and all those who give up so much time to our mission. 

Our Friends of Foodkind team is run by our Ambassadors from the Charity and social action groups at Bosworth College and we are grateful for their support.

If you would like to volunteer:

Please contact us please email collections@foodkind.co.uk for food rescue

To volunteer in the hub via impact@foodkind.co.uk – the latter for partnership or supplier enquiries too. Thank you.